Sunday, July 15, 2007


Well, personally I think, we humans have underestimated the power of Time.

It can shape mountains, bring the mightiest trees down to their knees, silence active volcanoes, change the face of our Blue Planet as well.

Time also reveals the true intent of us, Humanity. This process, well, isnt a pleasant one. Time erodes our patience. It peels off our protective layers, which some of us have given the term "Masks", barring our inner most thoughts to our surrounding. This is when, People will truly know who're they interacting with.

They tell us, who we really are.

And I can say that...I'm appalled by what I've seen. Enough to change my thoughts radically. Is such phenomenon normal?

What people truly says and react contradicts. What?
People use flaws to attack each other. Why?
People with no passion for the things they do. Then why continue doing it?
Why people must be selfish? Why can't they be nice and friendly to each other? Can't they just just smile and enjoy the moment?

The importance of tolerance as a virtue. How many Singaporeans are following it? And how many actually believe in it? How many of YOU actually follow this virtue from YOUR OWN HEART, but not just because it's convenient?

Being exhausted and weary gives you no right to put someone down. There was never such rights. For those people who does it proudly, congratulation. You seriously disgust me, and some are much closer than I've thought. WTF do they have to do this? It shows how powerful you are? No, in fact, it shows that you're immature, weak and twisted. You may have friends, but True Friends? God Knows.

I've tried so hard, and got so far
In the end, it doesnt even matter.
I had to fall, to lose it all
In the end, it doesnt even matter.

Well, I'm awed by BumbleBee. Songs roughly depicts what you feel.

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