Thursday, November 30, 2006

To engage in Job Hunting is almost Sucidal

Well the desire for a well-paying, flexible holiday job has struck me again. And this time, it sucks.

Ok, I only had one working experience, which is for a family friend. I did admin work, delivery, etc. All for $3 per hour. I won't say it's measly, but I suffered backache from sitting for long hours (Ironic huh?), stiff neck (Made worse with the then Maple Addiction) and a tweaked body clock. It just became like a wake up, wash and eat, go to work, eat lunch, work, go home and have dinner, sleep kind of daily routine. It's sad. But working there for 2 months, I managed to save up to $700+ for a Xbox. It was 2, fast approaching 3 years ago. I blew my salary on the game system and games.

So now with Xbox360 out, PS3 and Wii fast approaching release date (I lost track of time. Please correct me if I'm wrong), Halo-ism and for a very personal reason, I've decided to get a job. Oh, plus I'm rotting at home, particullarly at a rapid rate due to burning out after the 'O's. This has gone so bad that I find it hard to think, and I discovered after I can't do simple, mental calculations.

Well I won't say I'm very hardworking in job finding, but I'm starting to feel stressed for my failure to secure a job (I dont want to do office/admin again). Erm, I have not did any enquires for any part time job, but when I look at The Straits Times : Classified to find a job, all I see is random data spewed all over the page. I can't find any relevant data, like what kind of job it is, how it pays, working hours and so on. Having worked once at a advertising company (My only time working), I DO know that you have to pay more to have a larger space to advertise on the Classified (I think it charges for the by rows and columns used to advertise). But please at least add some relevant data.

The internet was also kinda useless, I can't find anything good out of it. I was also so close to getting a spot at Singapore Discovery Centre (Friend's recommendation) but missed it by a nose as some guy applied for it before me. I'm starting to like :" Holy? How come my friends can get jobs easily while I have to look so hard?"

Well I've heard from younger friends that they get jobs by just walking around, asking the operation managers. So if that's the case for my friends, that I lose out already. I don't go out often due to lack of $$$, and parental stress and the stress of need to dress well. They seem to find jobs which I don't even see in the Classified. Like my cousin working in the departure hall in Changi Airport (WAH!), a classmate working at Swensen's.

My dad offered me a job to his workshop. Located as tuas, 8 hrs daily, 6 days week and $4 per hour. Not the best, but I think I have no choice but to take it. But it seems that he's joking/not sincere bout' this, cause I can sense this in many ways. Firstly, there's this "haha" or joking tone when he told me the offer. Secondly, when it comes to business/work he's damn serious. Not that time. Thirdly, he "attempted" to help me spot for jobs from the Classified. All he did was to see my choices, strike them off totally and say bullshits like hmm, no good. But anyway this act indicates that he didn't expect me to take his offer. Forthly, after being pressured by me, he said he would ask his brother (The Boss of the company) to confirm.

This sucks. And I got pissed that I used the net to find a job, to no success (Written somewhere above), and mom's nagging go up and sleep~. Anyway I don't give a damn cause my whole day was totally trashed. Apart from listening to some beautiful, melodious Japanese anime music, checking out game review websites for the lastest info on Xbox360, its games and Nitendo's Wii, the rest of the day practically was trash. Boring, noisy and troubled.

Well let's hope that some mircale will appear. I don't want to be stuck in this home.

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