Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Compound Mind.


I'm mentally exhausted.
I'm going hysterical.
I'm feeling nauseous bout everything.
Why is life so unfair?

Please make my life a colourful one.
I'm sick of it being Black and White everyday.
Where has the music gone to?
All I hear now are noises.
I want the melodies to return.

Exorcise the Demons which filthied our precious earth,
Banish them back to where they belong - The Shadows
May their presence never be felt again.

Where's the sun and the moon?
I miss their warmth and beauty.
Wait, right. They disappeared.

These are all orchestrated by it:
The Phantom.
In my mind.
Get. Out. Of. My. Our. Mind(s).
I. We. Dont need you.

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