Thursday, May 08, 2008

Marked For Death? o.O~!

Apparently, the lack of adequate rest has led to my thought process to be retarded, actions stupefied and a loss in sense of time and direction.

On two occasions, I was THAT close to being knocked down by a medium size truck and a van respectively.

On the first occasion, while crossing the road when the Green Man was still brightly lit on the traffic light and not flashing, a bloody truck, which was obviously speeding, almost failed to stop at the road junction. Well, almost, until the truck driver suddenly saw me strolling across the road and then braked suddenly.

The truck was like, 1m away from me and I swear that I felt a sudden gush of wind rushing at me when that truck braked suddenly. Even the people in the nearby bus stop gasped. But strangely, I felt nothing. I stared at the truck blankly for a while and continued towards the other side of the road. It is only when I saw some reactions from several people in the bus stop then I realized that I was so close to getting involved in an accident. In fact, I had to actually remind myself that I am suppose to feel shaken bout the near accident earlier.

The other occasion happened near to where I'm currently staying at. The particular traffic light which I usually use has the habit of changing from green to red man at a very, very fast pace. I was only 3/4 across the road when the green man turned red, but I didnt take notice of that. At this moment, a van almost came into contact with me. It was so close, I could actually see the driver and the passenger pressing against the window LoL. This is when I noticed that the traffic light has gone green, and apparently, after walking for several steps, then I realize that I felt nothing. No skip in heartbeat. I had to remind myself again that I was suppose to feel shaken due to the near brush with the Grim Reaper.

Hmm. Losing sleep = Losing it? A possible hypothesis.

1 comment:

xueni ; said...


all the best;
& bless you.
